Co-Managed IT Services-Embracing a Partnership Approach for Effective IT Support

In today's dynamic business landscape, organizations rely heavily on robust IT infrastructure to stay competitive and drive growth. Managed service providers (MSPs) play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation and security of these IT environments. Traditionally, MSPs have offered all-inclusive packages, taking full responsibility for managing a client's IT systems. However, a new approach is emerging: co-managed services. This innovative model fosters a true partnership between organizations and MSPs, empowering businesses to actively participate in their IT management. In this article, we will explore the concept of co-managed services and shed light on how they provide a more collaborative and flexible solution. 

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Break-Fix vs. MSP-The Importance of Proactivity In Today's IT Environment

The IT landscape has changed drastically in the last few decades and with that, service providers have had to change their offerings to address the evolving needs of customers. Companies are dealing with an ever-expanding web of both personal and company owned devices that all need to remain functional, secure, as well as connected to ensure business continuity and eliminate downtime or lost opportunities.

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